Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Don't Mix Business with Pleasure !!

Don’t mix business with pleasure , you will find this phrase in most of the employees handbook all over the globe in most of the organizations, usually no one cares for it , simply because we are human , and human race exists to interact with other people around their environment.

Some other terms that also most of the people familiar with like team work , team building activities , yet it is very clear to every one that the two rules contradicts and if you work in a healthy team eventually you will mix business with pleasure .

You come to work everyday in a healthy environment and you love to stay at work because your team is always comforting and supporting in most of the cases which gives you the feeling after a period of time working with them, that they are not colleagues any more, they are more like .. family.

At this point you lost control and latterly forgot all about “Don’t Mix Business with Pleasure” because they are family now, little that you know that a day will comes and you will understand what is the merit behind it.

But the inevitable happens and the day come that one of them is moving on with his/her life , makes you feel really sad and broken for losing this person , yet this person is not going anywhere only changing their job but deep inside you know that with time the relationship will fade away.

It is the fact that you live up to memories in your life, and when you realize this fact it makes you strengthen your relationship with others even more, to build the best memory and enjoy a good moment.

Serious Dreamer,
Ahmed A Gad


  1. LOVED it.. can't agree more!

  2. gaaaaaaaaaaaaamed

  3. anonymous dh el howa ana "Ye7ya nofal"

  4. Sadly, since we are living in the 21th "capitalist" century, we will always have to suffer such dilemma.. what are we working for?.. career, money, relationships, or passion?
    I seriously don't know which is more important, as in really important and a priority in one's life.. to work where I love? or with whom I love? or what I love?..

    As always, I lasto adri!.. but what I adri very much, that we are not machines.. mixing pleasure with business is inevitable, to make our life worth living at least :) Who knows when or where is our next station?..

    It can always be sad if we wanted, but we can always hope for the best, and BTW, friends can stay friends if they also wanted ;)

  5. I could not agree more with you n i agree with Lasto too :)
    I miss u guys

  6. I love it very much Gado !
    I really don't know why we should NOT mix work with pleasure ?!!
    In my opinion, we should set that as a target not a taboo !
