Saturday, 1 December 2018

The magic of music

Something very magical about the sound of Arabic jazz music , for some reason it ignites something within me, calmness in a way, peace and what ifs , a lot of them.

A night cruise drive, alone, listening to Jazz, cold weather, a cup of coffee and let your mind stress free , instead you feel like the music and the mood is taking away your negative energy, suppressing all the demons inside me that wants to break loose.

All is fine, until you are hit back by reality and you wake up again, so do your inner demons l, fighting to break through to unleash their wrath on this world, wish you can scream in the middle of the street with a thunder like voice that will break every window in the neighborhood, that will silence the birds and the sky. But instead it breaks inside you, 10 times louder, eating your heart inside out, you run again to your sedative, your one way out, wondering, like all other drugs, when it's effect will wear off !

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